Creating a reusable (repeatable) Infrastructure with a custom ec2 module
Hello everyone, I come to you with another project to add to my ongoing learning and tooling experience. Tooling, in that I am developing and honing new skills towards becoming a more knowledgeable DevOps associate and future engineer.
This project consists of the following…
Your team needs you to create a custom module for ec2 instance with an Amazon Linux 2 AMI ID.
1. Fork and clone this repo locally with the template as a starting point to create the ec2: GitHub — LevelUpInTech/terraformec2
2. Create a custom module for ec2 out of the resource block that you can use as repeatable infrastructure
3. Push the new created module and the file to your repo!
Tools of the trade:
1. AWS account (personal or business)
2. A repository account to store your completed project, GitHub (, GitLab (
3. Select an IDE (Integrated development environment) AWS Cloud9
4. Terraform account (If you’ve never used Terraform cloud, you will need to setup your account in AWS cloud9 with the credentials from Terraform Cloud) For additional info {see}
5. AWS CLI to execute amazon commands
Here we go…
I. GitHub
a. Create a new repository in GitHub:
b. Fork a copy of the template file contained in a repository that belongs to LevelUpInTech. {A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.}
II. AWS Cloud9
a. mkdir directory name {ec2_multi_use}
b. cd directory {cd ec2_multi_use}
c. Run the below command to clone a copy of the newly forked GitHub repository:
git clone
e. Create 4x files that are needed in a Terraform “folder”: by running touch file name:
i. touch {you can enter multiple file names in a single command:
ii. contains the below info which utilizes variables or calls to variables {var.ami_id}
iii. The file contains required providers, provider and Terraform cloud info.
iv. The file contains data pertaining to the variables that are called within the code by the prefix: var.”item” {var.ami_id}
v. The file is used to return to the user selected data:
vi. The original file that was “forked” or copied from the LevelUpInTech repository, contained the below info but was revised to allow for modular functioning: file forked from LUIT repository
Modified version of file
vii. Now we will execute the code and hope that we have fulfilled our task.
1. We will run terraform init (Initialize) {see}
You will notice that there are three items initialized: Modules, Terraform Cloud and Provider plugins.
2. We will run terraform plan {see}
The terraform plan
command creates an execution plan, which lets you preview the changes that Terraform plans to make to your infrastructure.
3. Next run terraform apply {Enter — auto-approve to bypass the prompts to approve this command}
4. While the new AWS EC2 instance is being provisioned, we can go over to Terraform by access the above link which was generated during the terraform apply command, on the landing page, we find the same info that is displayed in the AWS Cloud9.
5. Now we upload the new code to GitHub:
I utilized the Source Control option contained with in AWS Cloud9 to push the project folder/repository to GitHub.
6. Now we terminate the previously provisioned AWS EC2 instance
7. Enter Terraform destroy, below you will see that I was prompted to approve the destruction of the resources.
Thank you for your patience as I provided some suggestions on how to utilize an Terraform file (template) to provision an AWS EC2 Instance which can be utilized multiple times.